Sunday, August 24, 2008

Guide essay paper

Guide essay paper gives an idea to the reader about the methods of writing a paper. It acts as an example about the ways of writing a paper. Though different kinds of writing demands different approaches from the writer yet these types of guide articles work as a nice example.

An essay always tries to find something new and that should always be the aim for every researcher. The zeal to find something new and the inquisitive mind are the assets of every researcher.

The essay writing will start with the cover page. This is the beginning point of the article. This page will have some of the vital information like the name of the researcher, the name of the study, the place of the study, the name of the course, the name of the research guide and much other information in a nut shell. The next thing to come after the cover page is the acknowledgment section.

The contents page of the college essay is the next section to follow the acknowledgment section. This is a section where you can find the page nos. of different sections and sub sections. If your article is of big volume an abstract of the contents page can be included. The literature surveys in general the next item after the contents page. A lot of effort should be given in making this section. Effort here means reading a lot.

The introduction section is the next item just after the literature survey. The main aim of this section is to introduce the topic to the readers and to give them an idea about the approaches that the researcher has taken to solve the problem in hand. The thesis statement is a part of the introduction section.

The research methodology is the next part and sections like sampling design, charts and diagrams of data, analysis of the collected data all are parts of this section of the article. The limitation of the study is also a section in this part of the article.

Guide research paper helps to write a new research paper. You can get theses types of article from different websites from the internet but it is always better to check these from the reputed and genuine writing websites.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Organizing a research paper

Organizing a research paper would make sure that all the various specifications for writing a good content are handled well.

The various formalities of making a guide research paper are as follows:

1) Clear thesis statement and proper introduction: The introduction should be given in a proper manner comprising detailed background study and literature survey. The thesis statement should be stated clearly in the initial paragraph of the introduction section.

2) Clear research methodology: The research methodology should be stated clearly. The sampling design, data collection method and the analysis techniques should be clearly defined as these sections will be reviewed by the examiner thoroughly to grade your paper.

3) Practicability: The facts described in the report should appear to be workable and practical. The process described should be such which may be actually repeated else where. Therefore, all impractical descriptions and suggestions should be scrupulously avoided.

4) Mention of difficulties and shortcomings:
A good report should include the difficulties faced during the course of study. It should also clearly mention the failures met during the process. It should not hide the shortcoming of the study. On the other hand, these may be clearly mentioned so that the future researchers may take care not to repeat them and to try to avoid them as far as possible.

The above mentioned characteristics of good research report are incidentally, the characteristics of a good thesis leading to doctoral degree of university. The precautions mentioned here and the process of writing report may serve as guidelines to the students and teachers concerned with the program of writing thesis for different courses.

Good research papers irrespective of different courses and levels have some common characteristics and those were discussed above in this article. Another important thing about the research paper is that though these are mainly theoretical in nature those should also have a practical bearing so that there may be a healthy cooperation between theory and practice.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good research paper

Good research paper has some peculiar characteristics of its own which are dependant upon the type and nature of the research work. However, being a technical work, it involves some general characteristics which are essential for every good research work. Of these the most important are characteristics are as follows:

1) Attractiveness: The report should be attractive to look. It should be printed or typed on good paper. If required for wider circulation, it should be printed; other wise it may be typed on one side of the paper. After proper binding, it is better to give some connected diagram or sketch on the front page.

2) Balanced Language: A good report has a balanced language. A balanced language includes necessary technical terms on the one hand, while on the other, it is simple and clear as far as possible.

3) Absence of repetition: A good report should not have any repetition. Repetitions make it unnecessarily bulky and boring. Therefore, without repetitions, each point should be made clear in its own place.

4) Absence of imaginations: A good report must be scientific and factual. It should include analysis and presentation beyond any doubt about its validity. Therefore, it should not have any place for imaginary and subjective descriptions.

Good research paper has all the basic regulations that make it a suitable piece for presentation.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Religion essay

Religion essay writing deals with the different aspects of this subject. Writing an essay in this subject needs in depth research, courage to speak the truth and sensitivity to the sentiment and belief of common people.

Religion is a universal social institution. It exists in every society in some form or other. It takes a multitude of forms. There are many thousands of religions in the modern world. The great variety of religious behavior and belief makes religion very difficult to define. It is a great force which ensures solidarity of society. The high school essay would make sure that all the various confidentialities about the religion matters.

The basic types of religions are:
a) Simple supernaturalism: It is common in the pre industrial societies which recognize the existence of super natural forces in the world. The supernatural force influence human events for better or worse. This impersonal force exists both in human beings and natural objects.
b) Animism: It recognizes the existence of religion in the spirits operating in the world. These spirits may be found both in people and natural phenomenon such as rivers, mountains, winds and weather. People appease these spirits through rituals, the so called magic. The spirits of animistic religion can exercise kindness or evil and many remain indifferent.
c) Theism: It centers on a belief in god. God is presumed powerful interested to interfere in human affairs and to be worthy of worship. Polytheism which refers to believe in a number of gods is most common form of Theism.
d) Abstract Ideals: This type of religion do not centers on the worship of a god but appeals to adopt ways and thinking. It teaches that how to become one with the universe through many years of meditation. Buddhism is an example of abstract ideals.

Religion essay paper talks about different aspects of religion and its impact on the society. The research methodology of this type of essay should be made taking all the minute details in mind. To write this type of essay you need the courage to speak the truth and you need to analyze the whole findings in an unbiased manner.